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Helensvale Station Thumbnail 17th October 2005. Helensvale Railway Station on the Gold Coast Line as seen looking east from the from the new Helensvale Westfield Town Centre. Opening only a few days earlier on 13th October 2005, the new Town Centre is significant in that it now makes Helensvale Station part of the group of the precious few stations on the Brisbane Suburban system, that have immediate access to a major shopping precint.
Wallangarra Station Thumbnail Wallangarra Railway Station on the Queensland, New South Wales border where the break of gauge meant a change of trains! This shot of the southern end of the station shows the Queensland 3'6" (1067mm) line to the left of the picture and the New South Wales standard gauge platform to the right. Though little used now, the Queensland line is still open all the way to Brisbane whereas the New South Wales line truncates only a few hundred metres or so south of the station and the border. Recently refurbished, the station now houses a museum and cafe.14th August 2005.
Station Masters House Wallangara Thumbnail The old Station Masters House at Wallangarra Station. At the time the picture was taken on the 14th August 2005 a number of the locals had informed me that it was up for sale.
Wallnagarra Goods Platform Thumbnail Just as passengers had to change trains at the break of gauge at Wallangarra so too did goods. This picture taken again on the the 14th August 2005 is of the goods platform and shed where in its heyday would have been a hive of frenzied activity as goods were transferred from one train to the other!
Water Tower Wallangarra Thumbnail Used for the watering of standard gauge locos this watering tower stands little used at Wallangara Station. Note the very rusty lever set beside it. Picture taken 14th August 2005.
Wallangarra Lever Frame Thumbnail Once again at Wallangarra Station on the 14th August 2005 this lever set, which is still in use, sits opposite the northern end of the station just across the Queensland 3'6' (1067mm) line.

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This page Copyright Colin B Power 2025.
Queensland. Australia.
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